
Friday, September 25, 2009

The Benefits of Wheatgrass

What exactly is Wheatgrass and what are the benefits?

Wheatgrass comes from very young wheatplant. You may already know that wheat is a grain, but wheatgrass is considered a vegetable at the stage of development that it is harvested.

Wheatgrass juice is a complete food with no toxic side affects. It contains all of the vitamins and most of the minerals needed for human maintenance and well-being. It is also a complete protein with about 80 enzymes and is approximately 70% crude chlorophyll.

Wheatgrass contains all the elements that are missing in your body's cells - especially amino acids, a vast array of vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, and enzymes, ideal for those seeking maximum cell vitality. Wheatgrass juice has been proven over many years to benefit people in numerous ways: cleansing the lymph system, building the blood, restoring balance in the body, removing toxic metals from the cells, nourishing the liver and kidneys and restoring vitality.

Wheatgrass is the green, growing and processing plant that will eventually become a shaft of wheat, produce grain, die, and be harvested. At only seven days, the wheatgrass is 6 to 9 inches tall and can be cut and juiced. The deep green juice is abundant with vitamins, minerals, enzymes, chlorophyll. It is intensely concentrated and benefits are seen with as little as one ounce a day.

According to Ann Wigmore, the founder of wheatgrass healing:

Wheatgrass juice cleanses and builds your blood
Wheatgrass juice improves skin and hair
Wheatgrass juice builds muscle and endurance
Wheatgrass juice fights infections
Wheatgrass juice lowers blood pressure
Wheatgrass juice dissolves tumors
Wheatgrass juice acts as an appetite suppressant.

Can I take Wheatgrass during pregnancy?

Wheatgrass (or Barley Grass, or Alfalfa) is perfectly safe to take before, during, and after pregnancy. In fact, it's a good idea to eat Wheatgrass and other greens during pregnacy, since they are a good source of folic acid, and of course many other important nutrients.

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