
Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Road To A Healthy Prostate

The prostate is partly a muscle and gland. It is about the size of a walnut with a donut shape. It is about the size of a walnut with a donut shape. It is directly underneath the bladder and surrounds the tube (urethra) that allows urine to flow out the bladder and pass out through the penis. The prostate secretes a thin cloudy alkaline fluid that helps make up seminal fluid. The muscular contractions of the prostate squeeze the prostatic fluids and help mix it with semen and sperm. The muscles help to ejaculate. There are many types of prostate diseases and many factors that can cause problems. Drugs (Legal and illegal) harm it.

Prostatic Hypertropy is the enlargement of the prostate. It can slow down, interrupt, block, or stop the flow of urine as well as cause urine to stay in bladder too long resulting in infections and/or inflammation. This can lead to kidney and destroy the kidney.

Prostatitis is the inflammation of the prostate. Diseases can directly and indirectly affect the prostate such as Sugar Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Rheumatism, Arthritis, Varicose Veins, and Hypoglycemia, which damages prostate nerves.


Pain between the rectum and the scrotum
Decreased force of urination
Frequent day and/or night urination
Burning feeling when urinating
Blood in urine (pink or reddish)
Pus in urine
Decreased amount of semen (less than the normal one-half teaspoon)
Decreased force of ejaculation
Lower back pain
Series of kidney infections or Urinary Tract Infection
Semen dripping from penis instead of being ejaculated
Thin Clear semen instead of opaque
Premature ejaculation
Inability to maintain or get an erection or to ejaculate
A hard rubbery mass is felt between the anus and the scrotum sack with the testicles. It can be painful if touched
Constant kidney of bladder and/or bladder infection caused by urine backing up when the enlarged prostate blocks flow
Difficulty starting and stopping urination


Maximize: Eat raw almonds, fruit, pumpkin, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, vegetables; cold pressed oils and whole grains. Drink ½ gallon or more of distilled water daily.

Eliminate: Alcohol, coffee, salt, non-organic eggs, meat and milk, white sugar, white flour, white rice, caffeine, black pepper (use cayenne), fried foods, fermented foods (vinegar, beer, wine, soy sauce, etc.)


CaShai Men's Wellness Formula

CaShai Cleansing Tea

*Echinacea, Goldenseal. Stops inflammation (These herbs are in CaShai Cleansing Tea)

Gingko, Gotu Kola. Increases prostate circulation

Uvi Ursi. Reduces discomfort in urination


CaShai Touch of Greens Nutritional Formula which contains the following herbs needed for Prostate Wellness:

Vitamin A. Protects sex organs
Vitamin B6. Enhances healthy gland function
Vitamin C. Aids repair of tissue.
Vitamin E. Increases circulation
Lecithin. Dissolves cellular waste
Magnesium. Strengthens glands and muscles
Maganese. Nourishes sex organs
Zinc. Heals and protects glands

Pumpkin Seed Oil Capsules. Nourishes and heals glands

Niacinamide (Vitamin B3). Increases circulation to prostate

MSM. Anti-inflammatory

DHEA. Hormone Balance

Be Well,
The Holistic Herbalist

Reference: African Holistic Health by Dr. Llaila Afrika

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