
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Eliminate Colds, Flu and Fevers Naturally

Colds are very conagious and easily transmitted at home, school or work. The common cold brings about inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory passages caused by viruses. It is the body's way of trying to ged rid of toxins and poisons built up in the body. Colds, flus and fevers are part of natures eliminativeprocess - a safety valve that gives the body a chance for natural healing and recovery. Fevers are the body's way of burnin off an infection, and it is part of the cure.

If drugs are used to suppress flu or cold symptoms, the elimination process is inhibited and toxins remain in the body. As long as we continue to suppress the natural process of elimination, the toxic material begins to settle in the organs of the body and can eventually create what we call chronic disease, such as arthritis, diabetes, or asthma, among others.


There are several herbal formulas that are well known to relieve the symptoms of the flu, colds, and fevers, and many help strengthen the immune system, which in turn helps rid the body completely of the condition.

The following combination helps the body heal itself naturally.

This formula is beneficial for providing a natural antibotic to stop infections, heal the mucous membrance and help with nausea, chills and fevers.

Rose Hips is rich in vitamin C, well known for fighting colds. It helps with inflamed ears, eyes, nose and throat.

Chammomile works on the inflammation in the ears, eye, nose and throat and works as a mild sedative to relax and calm.

Echinacea will help strengthen the immune system and fight infection. Echinacea activates white blood cells, stimulate immune function and neutralizes harmful enzymes. It is useful for prevention and treatment of colds and flu.

Ginger helps relieve pain and nausea.

Vitamin A and beta-carotene help heal infections.

Vitamin C with bioflavonoids fights infection, increase resistance and heals capillaries.

Goldenseal is a natural antibotic. It helps to stop infection and heals mucous membranes.

Peppermint is excellent for nausea, chills and cleaning and strengthing the system.

Lemongrass is used as an antifever herb for flu colds and fevers. It is high in vitamin C.

Mullein relieves pain and relaxes the body, loosens mucous to be eliminated by the body and soothes and nourishes the lungs. It is high in iron, sulfer, magnesium and potassium, eliminates mucous, soothes the nerves , helps in digestion, and eases coughs and bronchitis.

Garlic promotes expectoration to help cough up mucous. It is also a natural antibotic.


Natural methods create a positive effect on the health of the whole body.

Treat fevers naturally; it speeds up the healing process. The heart beats faster and the liver increases its activity(destroying more toxins), the kidneys secrete more acids to clean the blood, the glandular system produces more hormones for normal body function, and the body cells produce more interferon to fight illness.

Cleansing the colon and blood purification will help eliminate the toxins. Use herbal teas and citrus juices for cleansing the body. Drink a lot of pure water. Rest is necessary for healing.

Deep breathing is positive because it pumps oxygen into the system. This will help repair and heal tissue. Take a deep breath through the nose, hold it, and then exhale through the mouth. Deep breaathing is important to clean the cells.

If your body is weak, eat alkaline foods, such as fruits and vegetables, almond milk, and millet in soups. Use lots of vegetables, which is rich in minerals.

For herbal tea formulas please visit:

Be Well,

The Holistic Herbalist

Source: Today's Herbal Health

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